Politik & Negara 01 Feb, 2025

Ini komen penuh saya! Pembangunan semula Gaza, sekolah daif, warga pencen! Harap teliti! - Rafidah

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INI komen penuh saya, yang tidak diteliti oleh sesetengah pemberita!

Rebuilding of Gaza

We have read about the Horrific Toll of the War in Gaza, stemming from age old tussle for ownership of the Disputed areas. 

So many lives were lost, and there is almost complete destruction of every facility, and building.

Certainly, Gaza needs to be Rebuilt and any Intention to do that is Commendable.

The Prime Minister has announced such plans to rebuild Schools, Hospital and Mosque in the area. That is certainly good Intention.

But a Few things must be taken into consideration: 

1. The Destruction is upon Disputed Land, whereby entitlement to ownership has Not Been Resolved. 

Until the Relevant International Arbitrating/Deciding Bodies have made clear, and indisputable Decisions, which must be adhered to, then any Rebuilding Efforts may come to Nought.

There will be the continued tussle, and Fighting. And the Rebuilding effort is futile.

2. Perhaps attention should First, be paid, to our own Malaysia, especially to the sad State of many of our Rural Schools, as highlighted often in the Media. Also the inadequacies in our outlying Government Hospitals, as well as Places of Worship. 

And when the conflicts in Gaza has been Clearely Resolved, and all terms accepted by all Parties to the Conflict, Perhaps the Government can set up a Special Humanitarian Fund, inviting the Private Sector to Donate, Tax exempt Monies, with minimum or no involvement of other Tax payers monies by the Government. 

3. And of course the more than 900,000 Retirees, especially those getting Pensions each month, that are Below the Poverty line, should be given their Dues. 

The Government should Not be contesting such Legitimate and timely Requests, which have been Decided by the highest Courts in the Country. Malaysian leaders need to Prioritise the needs of Malaysians.  

It is commendable to help the World but surely it is not because of "political brownie points"? So much is needed to be Resolved, and done, in Negara Kita.

Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz

Bekas Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri

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