NanoVerify Sdn Bhd (NVSB) and Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) inked their collaboration to bring another layer of assurance in halal certified products that use nanotechnology, with the inclusion of the NanoVerify mark of assurance.
This move is set to unlock the potential of Halal products incorporating nanotechnology in the global marketplace.
NanoVerify, a wholly owned subsidiary of NanoMalaysia Berhad (an agency under the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation or MOSTI), has continuously worked with key industry associations and companies, both local and international with the vision to be a reference body for nanotechnology certification and consultation in Asia by 2025.
HDC is the government agency entrusted with the mandate to coordinate the overall halal industry in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
This inaugural collaboration between the NVSB and HDC explores nanotechnology in the halal industry and is pivotal for bolstering the creation of high-value nanotechnology and halal products and services, capitalising on science, technology, innovation and economy.

Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony with Hairol Ariffein Sahari and Managing Director of NanoVerify, Johan Iskandar Hasan witnessed by Fadilah Baharin (centre).
Nanotechnology has increasingly integrated into various facets of daily life, with prime examples being cosmeceuticals, food, medicine and filtration media.
It is important for consumers to purchase certified products in the nanotechnology industry to ensure that the functionality of the nanoelements in the products are genuine and as claimed.
NanoVerify programme is a voluntary nanotechnology certification programme and offers certification on the functionality enhancements obtained as a result of embedding nano elements, covering mechanical, surface, and electrical properties.
This partnership is set to drive the amalgamation of nanotechnology and the Halal industry heralding a new epoch of high-tech Halal products.
Datuk Fadilah Baharin, Chairman of NanoVerify Sdn Bhd, in her speech said that the partnership aims to exploit nanotechnology’s capabilities to meet the evolving demands of the local and regional market, thereby enhancing growth and competitiveness in the Halal industry.
“Leveraging this proven domestic track record, we aspire to further integrate Halal and Thoyyiban principles in nanotechnology-based products, thereby fostering transparency and authenticity, and ultimately enhancing consumer trust and acceptance,” said Fadilah.
The application of Nanotechnology in Halal certified products delves more into the Halal and Thoyyiban principles, where the former implies compliance with fundamental Syariah parameters, while the latter goes beyond those fundamentals to invoke enhanced features that make something good, pure and wholesome.
Both parties agrees that the potential of the Halal industry, augmented by nanotechnology, is immense.
However, it can only be fully realised with the incorporation of Halal and Thoyyiban principles in product certification, thereby promoting trade and, most importantly, engendering “trust” in nanotechnology.

“In order to capture this opportunity and ensure that the halal stakeholders including the SMEs continue to prosper, several high-impact and bold measures have to be taken to sustain the long-term benefit of all.
"These measures are in line with nationwide initiatives by the Government of Malaysia to accelerate Malaysia’s transition to a more knowledge-based economy and to increase the national standard of living.
"This Master Plan shares similar objectives as those set out in the seven Strategic Thrusts to the Malaysia Madani pillars and thereby aims to support and enhance sustainable national economic growth.” said Hairol Ariffein Sahari, CEO of HDC
This collaboration between NVSB and HDC shall be the impetus for the exponential growth of nanotechnology in certified Halal products, leveraging on science, technology, innovation and economy and has the potential to share the national and regional nanotechnology business. - KitaReporters/Media Release