Kampus & Pendidikan 22 Jun, 2023

Ibu.Niaga! Taylor’s University initiative to empower women entrepreneurs! Supporting Malaysia Madani!

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Taylor’s University celebrated the graduation of 30 entrepreneur mothers at the conclusion of its Ibu.Niaga initiative on Friday, 16 June 2023, a community driven project parked under Taylor’s Impact Labs that aims to empower women entrepreneurs from underserved communities in Klang Valley with entrepreneurial skills, knowledge in business and platforms to grow their businesses. 

The initiative witnessed these women entrepreneurs participating in a three-day multidisciplinary workshop. 

The workshops educated the entrepreneurs on improving their mental health, managing personal or business finances, developing a second source of income with basic culinary skills, and utilising the power of social media to promote their products. 

This was then followed by a two-day bazaar on Taylor’s University campus which gave the entrepreneurs an opportunity to generate income. 

Officiated by Halimey Abu Bakar, Selangor State Assemblyman of Seri Setia, Ibu.Niaga is one of several projects part of the Eradicating Poverty Impact Lab which aims to address Goal 1 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by enabling the underserved communities to reach M40 status. 

Ibu.Niaga is a long-term initiative that intends to scale up to include 300 beneficiaries between 2023 to 2025.

“It is heartening to see the underserved communities being supported through sustainable projects that focus on long-term impact for its benefactors. 

"Through this project, I hope it opens more doors for underserved mothers to have access and equal rights to economic resources, while at the same time further inspire education institutions to be proactive in helping to uplift the livelihoods of underserved communities,” said Halimey.

Eradicating Poverty is one of 13 Impact Labs informed by the United Nations SDGs, whereby each Impact Lab will tackle pressing complex challenges faced by global and local communities. 

Through this initiative, impact projects are built into every programme curriculum, thus empowering students to do more than learn and be able to contribute to a cause they care about while positively impacting the society around them. 

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Professor Dr Pradeep Nair, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer at Taylor’s University, talked about the shift in students’ learning expectations. 

“While having the credentials necessary to join the workforce, students also desire purpose in their education. 

"The new generation of students have become more purpose-led and socially conscious - they want their learning to be meaningful, personalised, and aligned with their individual identities, passion, and purpose. 

"Informed by these changes, Taylor’s is taking proactive steps by implementing these 13 Impact Labs to integrate our students in social and environmental actions where they can be actively involved and make a positive impact to their surroundings.”

In line with Malaysia Madani introduced by the government, Taylor’s Impact Labs will also play a part in developing an inclusive, skilled, and civilised society. 

In helping students discover their purpose, Taylor’s University will also prepare students to be industry-ready, contributing to the various development aspects of the nation as they graduate. - KitaReporters/Kenyataan Media 

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